Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

Proxy service for members of the University of Bonn for "anonymous" surfing on the Internet


The University of Bonn offers its members the proxy server to move and surf the internet "anonymously". If you have made the settings for your browser in such a way that the proxy server is used, then when a page is called up it is first checked whether it is already available as a copy at the proxy. In this way, pages that are called up by a large number of users are only transmitted once over the Internet and then only called up from the local proxy server for a longer period of time.

For whom?

Members of the Uni Bonn

The service is available to all members of the University of Bonn.

What for?


The proxy server allows members of the University of Bonn to move around and surf the internet more "anonymously".

    How does it work?

    A proxy server is a computer system or router that serves as an intermediary between client and server. It helps prevent attackers from entering a private network and is one of several tools used to build a firewall. The word proxy means "to act on behalf of another", and a proxy server acts on behalf of the user.


    The use of the proxy server proxy.uni-bonn.de is limited to the domain uni-bonn.de or computers whose IP address starts with 131.220.


    The proxy server can be used for the HTTP, FTP and Gopher protocols, but not for HTTPS (also referred to as Secure or SSL, depending on the browser).


    Detailed information and instructions can be found in the HRZ-Doku.
    (Call only possible from the BONNET)

    Related Topics

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