Universität Bonn

University IT and Data Center

07. August 2023

HRZ IT-Tip: Colourbox Educational HRZ IT-Tip: Colourbox Educational

Looking for images for research and education without Watermarks?

The University of Bonn has taken out a "Colourbox Educational" campus licence, giving university students and staff access to millions of images, illustrations and videos. Students, teaching staff and university employees are each allowed to dowload 30 free pictures per month from Colourbox and use them for research and teaching. These downloads may be used for seminar papers and assignments, course and teaching materials, presentations and lectures.

COLOURBOX23955282.jpg © Colourbox
Download all images in original size The impression in connection with the service is free, while the image specified author is mentioned.

You can find the full information about Colourbox and the current training code on the intranet. Those who have already worked with Colourbox must renew the code annually to continue to have unrestricted access. 

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